Trimester 1

Unit 1: Introduction to Tools and Resources

Week Sprint Review Tickets Summary
0 Tool Setup Review Ticket Week 0 We installed tools like Anaconda and Python and started building our Fastpages blogs. The hacks for this week were to post our first markdown post and jupyter notebook.
1 Intro to Python Review Ticket Week 1 We started to learn more about Python and used what was taught to make our own quiz that had questions pertaining to what we learned. We also installed the bash kernel and made a notebook that demonstrated all necessary tools functioning.
2 Data Abstraction Review Ticket Week 2 We began working with lists and dictionaries in Python. Both of these are used to collect specific information. We were also introduced to HTML fragments and learned how they are used in well-known websites like Amazon. Using our knowledge of all of these concepts we had to show several looping algorithms and demonstrate what happened when we tried to change the remote theme of the blog.
3 Creative Development Review Ticket Week 3 We were introduced to the Create Performance Task portion of the AP CSP exam and reviewed a blog created by a former student detailing how she got a 5 on the AP exam. We also started working with in which we had to make our own quiz about any topic we wanted. This week's hacks allowed us to really think about the AP exam and how we can apply our creativity to produce programs that can perform astonishing tasks.

Unit 2: Introduction to Web Development

Week Sprint Review Tickets Summary
4 Review Ticket Week 4
5 Review Ticket Week 5
6 Review Ticket Week 6
7 Review Ticket Week 7