The Picture Itself

Below is the picture I drew using Microsoft Paint:

Explanation/Analysis/What I Learned

As hideous as this masterpiece is, it actually expresses who I am and what my interests are. For as long as I can remember, I have always been interested in the field of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) and have had many opportunities to build a variety of linear and logistic models for various purposes (hence the graph you see). In addition to ML and AI, I have recently become interested in the field of cognitive science, specifically psychology and neuroscience, as I have always been curious about why we humans behave the way we do (hence the amazing drawing of a brain that you see in the drawing). The word “perseverance” is probably the first thing that you see when you look at this, and I chose that word because it captures what I stand for in any kind of situation. Throughout my life, I have ran into many obstacles, whether it is related to what I am passionate about or personal stuff; however, these obstacles have improved me and my attitude towards life, as I have managed to persevere and endure all of these hardships. Thus, the word “perseverance” in the drawing expresses that I am always willing to figure some sort of solution out to a problem, no matter how insurmountable it may appear. Overall, doing this warmup definitely helped me further my understanding of who I am, what I want to do in the future, and what my outlook on life is all about.