AWS Quiz Hacks (Lesson 1)
Quiz completion with score out of 11
import getpass, sys
# method to display question and get user's answers
def question_with_response(prompt, qCount):
print("Question " + str(qCount) + " : " + prompt)
msg = input()
return msg
# dictionary to hold questions and answers as key : value pairs
questionsDict = {"What does Domain Name Server represent?": "DNS",
"What does this Represent: Amazon Web Services, which is a cloud computing platform provided by Amazon.": "AWS",
"What is the first Step to setting up an AWS Server? 1: Connecting to a Ubuntu EC2 Instance, 2: Start updating the system, 3: Clone the repository which one wishes to deploy, 4: Run the command: to start the project": "1",
"What is the third Step to setting up an AWS Server? 1: Connecting to a Ubuntu EC2 Instance, 2: Start updating the system, 3: Clone the repository which one wishes to deploy, 4: Run the command: to start the project": "3",
"What is the fourth Step to setting up an AWS Server? 1: Connecting to a Ubuntu EC2 Instance, 2: Start updating the system, 3: Clone the repository which one wishes to deploy, 4: Run the command: to start the project": "4",
"What is the second Step to setting up an AWS Server? 1: Connecting to a Ubuntu EC2 Instance, 2: Start updating the system, 3: Clone the repository which one wishes to deploy, 4: Run the command: to start the project": "2",
"What files are you supposed to edit after finishing the first steps of setting up the server and cloning it within the AWS Server? 1: Edit the docker files and docker.yml, 2: Edit the file to change the characteristcs.": "1",
"What is the first step to setting up a DuckDNS Server? 1: Sign in with your DuckDNS account using Github, 2: Configure current ip to the IP address that you want to access and click update ip button , 3: Create the subdomain, 4: Access site by typing in": "1",
"What is the second step to setting up a DuckDNS Server? 1: Sign in with your DuckDNS account using Github, 2: Configure current ip to the IP address that you want to access and click update ip button , 3: Create the subdomain, 4: Access site by typing in": "3",
"What is the third step to setting up a DuckDNS Server? 1: Sign in with your DuckDNS account using Github, 2: Configure current ip to the IP address that you want to access and click update ip button , 3: Create the subdomain, 4: Access site by typing in": "2",
"What is the fourth step to setting up a DuckDNS Server? 1: Sign in with your DuckDNS account using Github, 2: Configure current ip to the IP address that you want to access and click update ip button , 3: Create the subdomain, 4: Access site by typing in": "4"
# number of questions as length of the dictionary
questions = len(questionsDict)
# set correct to 0
correct = 0
print('Hello, ' + getpass.getuser() + " running " + sys.executable)
print("You will be asked " + str(questions) + " questions.")
print("Are you ready to take a test! Press Enter key to begin. Best of luck :)")
questionCount = 0
# iterate over list of keys from the dictionary. pass dictionary key as question to the question_with_response function
for key in questionsDict:
questionCount += 1
rsp = question_with_response(key, questionCount)
# compare the value from the dictionary to the user's input
if rsp.lower() == questionsDict[key].lower():
print(rsp + " is correct! Good Job!")
correct += 1
print(rsp + " is incorrect! Better Luck next time.")
# print final score
print(getpass.getuser() + " you scored " + str(correct) +"/" + str(questions))
# calculate percentage
page = correct/questions * 100
# print percentage
print("Total Percentage: " + str (format(page,".2f")) + "%")