Important Notes/Lessons

  • When it comes to engineering, there is an extensive use of science, math, logic, and algorithms to solve problems
  • Engineering can change the world (and has a good salary!), which inspired Suma to pursue a career in that field (specifically electronics and communication)
  • There are a variety of streams you can take with engineering, such as biomedical, aerospace, software, electronics and communication, and many more
  • Suma’s very first job made her nervous at first, but over time, it became easier to mingle with the other students and share exepriences with one another
  • Qualcomm is a corporation that creates services related to networking and wireless technology
    • Designs wireless telecommunications products
    • Integrated GPUs
    • Artifical intelligence products
    • Inventors of CDM technology
    • Wants to bring benefits of mobiles to other domains of engineering
    • It is more than just sitting in front of a laptop!
    • Volunteering + fun team activities
  • Nisha - director of engineering at Qualcomm
  • As a kid, Nisha was fascinated by how engineers made useful, innovative products
  • Fell in love with computer-related engineering because of how well she was doing in math in high school
  • Initially did not know what she was doing going into engineering
  • Excited to move to San Diego because that was a city where Qualcomm existed and where the headquarters of her team company were


How do you know what side of engineering you want to pursue (software, hardware, etc.)

  • Keep a growth mindest!
  • It is important to know what you love
  • It can be hard to know what your interests are, so it is a good idea to do some research and see what fields resonate the most with you
  • More exposure may allow you to narrow down some of the things that you like the most

What is the difference between software and hardware engineering?

  • Hardware - designs the electronics, develop chips using languages
  • Software - write the software for the electronics

What universities specialize in software engineering?

  • Most universities with engineering will have a software engineering field (i.e. cpmputer science)
  • In Calfiornia, we have many universities with great university programs

What are majors that would help me learn the necessary skills and concepts to get a software developer job in tech app companies?

  • Any tech company (Google, Amazon, Apple, etc.) looks for software engineers

What should I do in high school to increase my chances to get admitted into these universities?

  • Challenge yourself when you are in school
  • Go above and beyond, take honors classes
  • Take some community college classes in your junior and senior years of high school
  • Colleges look very closely at acadmeic rigor

What is one thing you wish you had done earlier that would have greatly helped you with engineering?

  • Take advantage of any programs that your school may have
  • This way, you will be better prepared for engineering

What were some of your biggest challenges and how did you handle them?

  • When Suma gave birth to her first kid, she had to focus on her kid
  • Difficult for her to balance between motherhood and work, but with time, she got better at it
  • Back then, one could not Google resources to help them with engineering

What are some competitions that I can participate in where I can apply what I have learned?

  • See if you can join the first Robotics program
  • Try to find a team in the community that you live in
  • Gaming companies in San Diego (i.e. Rocket League)

Personal Takeaways from the Event

After attending the event, I was really fascinated to listen to each of the engineers’ stories, as hearing them made me realize that the journey to become an engineer is a lot of work. I also liked hearing the speakers talk about Qualcomm, as personally, my dad has worked there as a software engineer for many years. Overall, this event has inspired me to possibly pursue a career in some type of engineering, as I know that there are many of opportunities for aspiring engineers like me.