Tri 1 Final Blog/Review
This blog goes over some of the questions on the Collegeboard Final for Tri 1 as well as my strengths and weakness in certain areas,
This blog shows some of the questions that I either got wrong or forced me to think about the answer for a little while before getting it right. It also goes into detail on questions I got wrong and what I can do better to not make that same mistake on a question like that for the future.
My Score
The final exam was 50 questions for a grand total of 50 points. I earned a score of 48/50 (96%), as shown below:
My overall score indicates that I showed a great understanding of what we have been learning through Collegeboard. The questions that I got wrong were questions 35 and 48.
Questions/Test Corrections
Question 35 (wrong)
One of the questions to review is question 35 shown below:
I ended up getting this question wrong, as even though I chose one of the two correct answers, the second one that I chose was incorrect, so I did not get the point. I made a mistake in thinking that because the maxPS <- 50 was below and outside the if statement that it also could be interpreted as an else statement. However, the code below the if statement really meant that regardless of time, the max score is 50. I will definitely make sure that I understand this kind of question better by reading the code carefully and considering what each line of code really means.
Question 48 (wrong)
The next question to review was question 48 shown below:
This was another question that I got wrong, as I completely forgot that although y initially had a value of 50, it was later on changed to 75 in the fifth statement, which made me believe that the option x, y, and z was correct. The next time I see a question like this, I will make sure to read the statements carefully and to keep track of what is being changed and what is being kept constant, as doing so will lead me towards the right answer.
Question 19 (correct)
The next question to review is question 19, shown below:
I actually got this question right, with the correct answer being option C, “An overflow error will occur because 4 bits is not large enough to represent 29, the sum of 14 and 15.” Even though I got this question right, it did take me few minutes to figure out the answer, as I had to quickly refresh my memory on how binary numbers worked. Now that I know how binary numbers are expressed in their decimal forms, I am much more confident about answering questions like these for the future.
Question 22 (correct)
The next question to review is question 22, shown below:
I also got this question right, with the correct answer being option C, 9. Similar to Question 19, it took me a minute or two to confidently select the answer, as I needed to make sure that I had a full understanding of how binary numbers are structured. With more practice on questions like these, I will definitely have a better time answering these kinds of questions on any future multiple choice exams.
Question 34 (correct)
The next question to review is question 34, shown below:
I chose the correct answer for this question, which was option B shown above. Although I selected the right answer, it took me a few minutes to confidently choose my answer, as I checked multiple times to ensure that I was keeping track of any lists that were changing/any lists that were remaining constant. For these kinds of questions, I should not be spending too much time on them, as there may be other questions that follow it that will take longer, thus giving me not as much time to look through them before answering.
Question 41 (correct)
The last question to review is question 41, shown below:
I chose the correct answer for this question as well, which was option B, 20. Similar to Question 34, I took time to answer this question because I checked to make sure that I was correctly keeping track of any variables that were changing or staying the same throughout the code segment. For these kinds of questions, it may be easier if instead of going through what happens in my head, I should simply write it down on any scratch paper I have on me, as I will clearly be able to see what is happening and will know faster which answer of the four is correct.
Reflection/Final Thoughts
Overall, I am very happy with the score that I earned, as it tells me that I have a great understanding of what we have studied in this class and shows me that I can answer multiple choice questions like these really well. The questions I got wrong were also a learning experience for me, as it made me realize how I can approach those kinds of questions in the future to ensure that I do not make those same mistakes again. Beyond the MCQ final, I am proud of the work that I have done for trimester 1, as I had a lot of great moments and experiences in the class yet also many memories of making mistakes and getting frustrated with WSL and AWS not working :). I am very much looking forward to Trimesters 2 and 3 of CSP and seeing how much my skills improve in the fascinating field of computer science.