Team Members

Scrum Master: Chinmay Ramamurthy Frontend Developers: Emaad Mir and Chris Albertson Backend Developer: Prasith Chilla DevOps: Vyaan Gautam

Scrum Master Roles

  • Facilitates sprints
  • Tracks issues
  • Maintains Scrum Boards
  • Be flexible and open to opportunities for the team

DevOps Roles

  • Application maintenance
  • Application management
  • Version control
  • Integration
  • Deployment of sites

Frontend Developer Roles

  • Builds the front-end portion of websites and web applications
    • This means that they build the part of the website that users actually see and interact with

Backend Developer Roles

  • Build and maintain the mechanisms that process data
  • Build/maintain mechanisms that perform actions like data storage, security
  • The user cannot directly see all of this happening