
This blog shows some of the questions that I either got wrong or forced me to think about the answer for a little while before getting it right. It also goes into detail on questions I got wrong and what I can do better to not make that same mistake on a question like that for the future.

My Score

The final exam was 66 questions for a grand total of 66 points. I earned a score of 66/66 (100%), as shown below:

My score indicates that I have a very solid understanding of all the concepts on the exam; however, there were a few questions that forced me to think for a while before I arrived at the correct answer. Even though I did not get any questions wrong, it is important that I review questions that took forced me to think for a while, as I will know how to tackle these questions at a much faster pace when I take the actual AP exam.

Questions to Review

Question 10

The first question to review is question 10, shown below:

The correct answer was B, which is shown in the image of the question. Question 10 involved figuring out which procedure could be used to draw the circles shown in the image. While the concept behind this question was not particularly difficult, I had to keep track of where the units were as I was shifting the x and y position. Had I lost track while doing this process, I could have chosen the wrong answer. For a question like this, I need to make sure that I look for only the important parts of the table and to not overthink it, as doing so could make me lose valuable time and in fact make it more likely for me to choose the wrong answer.

Question 21

The next question to review is question 21, shown below:

The correct answer was B, which was the code segments shown above. Even though I chose the correct answer, this question took me some time to do as I had to keep track of where the robot was as multiple operations were performed on it. Had I lost track of the position of the robot, I could have made a mistake in identifying what would bring the robot to the gray square, which could have led me to the wrong answer. This is why I believe that this question will be an especially important one to review while we study for the AP exam. One way I can improve my confidence with questions like these is to write down what is happening rather than just trying to do everything in my head, as if I do it in my head, I will be more likely to make a mistake.

Question 26

The next question to review is question 26, shown below:

The correct answer to this question was A, which was the missing code shown above While the concept behind this question was not particularly difficult, similar to the last question reviewed, I had to keep track of what was happening and where the robot was on the grid. Whether the robot had to move forward or rotate right, I needed to make sure that I noted down where the robot was and imagine what it would like if the robot were to rotate in a certain direction. As previously mentioned, one way I can improve my ability to answer these questions with more confidence is to perhaps write or even draw out what is happening, as I know that we will be provided with some paper for the AP exam. While it may not be necessary, especially for a computer science class, I have sometimes found it helpful when I write stuff down, as I can clearly see what is happening and am more easily able to pick the correct answer.

Question 38

The last question to review is question 38, shown below:

The correct answer for this question was C, which is highlighted in green above. This question is quite different from the ones I have previously reviewed, as this one tested my ability to take a scenario and “translate” it into pseudo code. While the scenario given was pretty basic, which made it relatively easy to choose the correct answer, it is important that I try to find more practice problems like this, as the real AP Exam could give a much more challenging questions. While doing this is not challenging, if I ended up misinterpreting the scenario, I could have gone down the wrong path searching for the answer and thus choose the wrong answer. It is important that I learn to familiarize myself with these kinds of questions by maybe finding some online or putting emphasis on these kinds of questions to review for the AP exam, as that will definitely put me on the path to doing well.

Question 56

The last question to review is question 56, shown below:

The correct answer for this question was D, which is that the program displays odd integers from 1 to 19. Similar to some of the questions that I have reviewed for this exam and other exams we have completed in the past, the tricky part of this question was that I had to keep track of everything that was going on. For this particular question, I had to note down the sums as well as any patterns in terms of if all of the results were odd or even While doing this is not challenging, if I added wrong or lost track of what was happening, I would end up 1. losing valuable time and 2. risk getting the question wrong. It is important that I learn to familiarize myself with these kinds of questions by practicing more questions like these for the AP exam, as that will definitely put me on the path to doing well.

Final Reflection/Personal Takeaways

Overall, I am very happy with the score that I earned, as it shows that I have a good understanding of what we have studied in this class so far and shows me that I can answer multiple choice questions like these really well. The questions that I reviewed here were also a learning experience for me, as it made me realize how I can approach those kinds of questions in the future to ensure that I reduce the risk of getting them wrong. I like having these opportunities to test myself on what we have learned so far and seeing how well I do, as they almost always are a true learning experience for me. These kinds of tests show me what my strengths and weaknesses are and tell me how I can improve, and I really hope that I reflect great improvement in answering MCQ questions as we continue to do more of them in the future leading up to the AP exam.