What is the Purpose of This Calendar Here?

I actually had made a project similar to this for our Trimester 1 Final, which only gave users the option to add events and nothing else beyond that. However, now that we are in Trimester 3 (which is wrapping up soon!), I wanted to use what I had in trimester 1 and refine it to reflect everything that I had learned about JavaScript over the seven or so months since I made it.

What Can You Do With This Calendar?

The calendar of course still gives users the option to add events that they would like and the calendar can only be used for one month; however, I have now implemented code that allows users to edit and remove existing events on the calendar and even allow them to clear all of the events at once if they would like. I also styled the buttons a bit more so that it was visually pleasing and colored the calendar for the same reason.

The Calendar Itself

Below is the calendar that you can use to add and organize events on certain days for the month of June. While my code only allows the user to input events for the month of June, they can update the calendar monthly so that it accurately represents the current time. To type in a date, the user can either type it in themselves in the mm-dd-yyyy format box or they can click on the calendar icon inside the box.


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30