Skills that I Have Obtained

Reflecting on my experience in the AP CSP class, I have obtained a range of valuable skills that have further expanded what knowledge I already have about computer science. Throughout the year, I gained knowledge on deploying web applications and implementing APIs to connect the frontend and backend components. I also developed a deeper understanding of data storage and collection, particularly through SQLite data tables, and learned how to apply CRUD (create, read, update, delete) principles to our projects. Additionally, this class has emphasized the significance of collaboration and having each team member work on what they feel they can do best to deliver the best possible outcome altogether.

Highs and Lows from the Year

There were several highs during this class, such as the opportunity to form teams with my friends and collaborate on creating remarkable projects accessible to everyone. I particularly enjoyed having the freedom to develop code or models related to topics I was passionate about, allowing me to connect what I liked with the work we were assigned to do. As much as there were highs from this course, there were also some lows throughout the year. One notable challenge stemmed from an unequal distribution of work within my group, especially in the first trimester (fortunately, this became less of an issue in trimesters 2 and 3, as I did not have to worry about chasing down the people in those groups and nagging them to finish their work). I often found myself compensating for unengaged teammates, having to take over their responsibilities and sacrificing time I could have spent on other classes. Another aspect that could be improved upon was the learning process itself. While the detailed blogs on the AP CSP website provided valuable information, I feel like it would have been better to have more concise summaries highlighting the essential aspects of the topics covered (maybe feedback for next year’s students).

Future Plans with CompSci and Education/Career

Looking into the future, I am determined to pursue a computer science major in the future, despite the competitiveness of the field. I am prepared to invest the necessary effort and do whatever it takes to excel in this area. For as long as I can remember, I have had a dream of becoming a video game developer and applying my knowledge and experience in computer science to create high-quality interactive games for users. Moreover, I have also developed a passion for bioengineering and biology. Therefore, another career path that intrigues me is working as an engineer in the biotechnology industry, integrating my interests in both computer science and biology. For education, I will continue on the computer science path by taking AP CSA next year and by enrolling in community college courses outside of school that will help expand my knowledge about the fundamentals of programming and perhaps help me expand the languages that I know how to code in, such as Python, Java, and C.

In addition to the highs mentioned earlier, working with friends in this class provided me the opportunity to deepen our understanding of each other’s interests. Collaborating closely allowed me to discover what my friends were genuinely passionate about, and I was pleasantly surprised to find that we shared similar aspirations for careers in STEM fields. This shared enthusiasm encouraged us to support and inspire one another. It was truly remarkable to witness how our collective interests in computer science and other STEM subjects overlapped and fueled our ambitions for the future.

So What? (Summary)

In summary, my experience in the AP CSP class has provided me with essential skills in web application deployment, API implementation, and data management. The opportunities to collaborate with friends and create meaningful projects that I cared about were some high points, while challenges arose from unequal workload distribution and the need for more concise learning materials. Nevertheless, these experiences have further driven me to pursue a computer science major and explore areas of video game development and biotechnology engineering.