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My Cool Calculator!

With this calculator, you put in two numbers of your choice. After inputting the numbers, you can see the sum, difference, product, and quotient of those two numbers! I inputted the numbers 1,000,000 and 35,726 to get the sum, difference, product, and quotient of those two numbers.

print("This calculator tells you the sum, difference, product, and quotient of two numbers that you enter.")

# Takes user's first number
print("Please enter your first number:")
first=float(input("Number 1:"))
print(first)    # prints out the number put in by user

# Takes user's second number
print("Please enter your second number:")
second=float(input("Number 2:"))
print(second)   # prints out the number put in by user

print("Sum=",first+second)  # prints sum
print("Difference=",first-second)  # prints difference
print("Product=",first*second)  # prints product
print("Quotient=",first/second)  # prints quotient
This calculator tells you the sum, difference, product, and quotient of two numbers that you enter.
Please enter your first number:
Please enter your second number:
Sum= 1035726.0
Difference= 964274.0
Product= 35726000000.0
Quotient= 27.990819011364273