1.1: Daily Video 1

  • A computing innovation includes a program as an integral part of its function
  • A computing innovation can be physical, nonphysical computer software, or nonphysical computing concept
  • Collaboration that includes diverse perspectives helps avoid bias in the development of computing innovations
  • Effective collaboration produces a computing innovation that reflects the diversity of talents and perspectives of those who designed it

Daily Video 1: Takeaways

  • Interpersonal skills learned through collaboration:
    • Communication
    • Consensus Building
    • Conflict Resolution
    • Negotiation

1.1: Daily Video 2

  • Pair Programming
    • Two programmers work together as a pair
    • One programmer is the driver, who writes code, and the other programmer is the observer/pointer/navigator, who reviews each line of code as it is typed in
  • Think-Pair-Share
    • Students first think through a problem by themselves, pair up with a partner to exchange ideas, and then share findings with the class
  • Leave Comments in Code!
    • Communicate to your partner(s)
    • Communicate to yourself
    • Acknowledge code segments used from other sources
    • Acknowledge media used from other sources
    • Differentiate what you and your partner(s) did
    • Clarify the functionality of your code
  • How to Collaborate in Class
    • Online Tools
      • repl.it - multiplayer
      • GitHub - collaboration and repository
      • Shared document or folder
    • Ask friends and family to test drive your prgoram and give you feedback!
    • Check with your teacher for your coding platform

Daily Video 2: Takeaways

  • Consultation and communication with users are important aspects of the development of computing innovations
  • Information gathered from potential users can be used to understand the purpose of a program from diverse perspectives and to develop a program that fully incorporates these perspectives
  • Online tools support collaboration by allowing programmers to share and provide feedback on ideas and documents
  • Common models such as pair programming exist to facilitate collaboration

Personal Takeways

Watching these videos definitely opened my mind to how crucial collaboration is, especially in a field like computer science. I hope that from now on, my team and I will be able to communicate with each other and help each other no matter the circumstances.

Proof of Completon of Quesitons