Notes/Vocab from the Video

  • enterprise - a project, typically one that is difficult/requires effort
  • We (as students) can improve whatever level of well-being that we are at; we can control a lot more of our happiness than we think
  • Our life circumstances don’t matter as much as we think they do
  • intuitions - ability to understand something right away without the need for conscious reasoning
  • Like all good things, taking control of your happiness can be difficult
  • G.I. Joe fallacy - refers to the misconception that simply knowing about a bias is enough to overcome it
  • Often, your mind lies to you a lot about what it means to be happy
  • Making time for social connections is something that very happy people do in general
  • Helping others helps us more than we expect
  • The simple act of thinking about what we are grateful for is very powerful
  • affluence - the state of having a great deal of money (wealth)
  • Happy people usually priortize their leisure time over money

Notes of Gratitude

  • I am grateful for all of the teachers that work so hard to make sure that we all succeed and be the best that we can in the future
  • I am grateful for my family and friends who have always supported me in what I do and give me a sense of belonging and comfort


  • I hope to finally understand how I can improve my level of happiness and self-confidence while taking this class, as I feel that it will motivate me to do well and make sure that I help out my entire team if they are having problems