
The video I linked in my Week 4 Review Ticket demonstrates the functionality of both of my local servers and me making changes to each one to show that they both work like they are supposed to. However, there are a few things that I would like to add on to the video and clarify:

Local IP Address/Port

For my Python Flask Web Server, the server address is “”. Here is what each part of the link means:

  • The “” portion of the link represents the jekyll server number that the Python server is running on
  • The “5000” at the end of the link represents the local host, or machine that is running the server live

For the local Fastpages server, the server address is “”. Here is the link broken down into its parts:

  • Similar to the Python web server, the “” represents the jekyll server number that is running the Fastpages server locally
  • The “4000” is the local host/machine/computer running the server
  • At the very end of the link is “emaad-fastpages”, which is simply the name of my Github repository for Fastpages.


In order to show that we collaborated as a team, one of us (credits to Edwin Abraham) created a group repository for our local python server. Near the end of the video, I show all of the actions and commits from the group repository that we all pushed onto Github. We all communicated with each other via Slack and kept each other up on where each of us were in completing the hacks for this week. I definitely feel that we all learned something from watching those Collegeboard videos about collaboration, as we really tried taking into account different perspectives and expressing those differing points of view into our repository.

I hope that this blog helped you learn something about this week’s hacks and extended your knowledge beyond what my video showed!