1.2: Daily Video 1

Computing Innovations

Innovations can include, but are not limited to:

  • Applications
    • Games
    • Social Media
    • Business
    • Productivity
  • Physical Devices
    • Computers
    • Smart Phones/tablets
    • Smart “Things”
    • Wearables
  • Systems
    • E-commerce
    • Cloud services
    • E-mail

Innovations Created for a Purpose

Guiding Questions:

  1. Why does the computing innovation exist?
  2. What problem(s) does the computing innovation solve?
  3. What does the computing innovation allow us to do that we could not do before?

Examples of Computing Innovations

  • Social Media Applications
    • Allows users to connect from a distance and archive their activites
  • E-commerce
    • Allows users to save time and money by being able to shop from home
  • Digital Assistant Device
    • Allows users to control their devices hands-free making them safer while driving or more convenient when trying to multitask

Daily Video 1: Takeaways

  • The purpose of computing innovations is to solve problems or to pursue interest through creative expression
  • An understanding of the purpose of a computing innovations provides developers with an improved ability to develop that computing innovation

1.2: Daily Video 2

Identifying Inputs to Programs

Computer Programs accept input in a variety of different forms:

  • tactile (touch)
  • audio
  • visual
  • text (including numerical values)


  • Smart phone/tablet (texting, entering password, etc.)
  • Laptop computer (keyboard, mouse, etc.)
  • Gaming console (send input through buttons)

How do programs receive input?

Most programs are written in an event driven environment.

  • “Events” are triggered by some action, which usually sends input to the program

Types of events a user can trigger:

  • mouse clicks
  • screen taps/swipes (force touch)

What does input accomplish in a program?

Input usually affects the output. Outputs produced by a device can include:

  • visual
  • audio
  • tactile (touch/feel)
  • text

Example of output that devices supply:

  • Smart phone/tablet (things that appear on screen based on what you have pressed/swiped)
  • Laptop computer (displays texts after using keyboard)
  • Gaming console (remote vibrations)

How does a program know what to do upon an event?

An action triggers an event:

  • Action may be activated by the user or another program/device

The program “jumps” to the code segment according to the event:

  • The code segment is ran
  • Output is triggered by the code segment/additional events that are triggered

The program does not necessarily execute “in order”:

  • Code segments are executed as they are called, according to the events triggered

Daily Video 2: Takeaways

  • Program inputs are data sent to a computer for processing by a program. Input can come in a variety of forms, such as tactile, audio, visual, or text
  • An event is associated with an action and supplies input data to a program
  • Events can be generated when a key is pressed, a mouse is clicked, a program is started, or any other defined action occurs that affects the flow of execution
  • Inputs USUALLY affect the output produced by a program
  • Program output is usually based on a program’s input or prior state

1.2: Daily Video 3

What is a program?

A program is a collection of statements:

  • A statement is a single command
  • A group of statements is called a code segment
  • A program is often referred to as “software”
  • Code segments are executed by rules of the coding language

What does the program shown in the video do? - written to find the minimum value in a list

  • The code segment should work for a variety of different lists, such as numbers that are out of order, negative numbers, large numbers, and decimals


  • Simply state what the segment does
    • this way, someone else can use the segment in a larger program
  • Include how it does what it does
    • this way, someone could expand upon the code segment

Daily Video 3: Takeaways

  • A program is a collection of program statements that performs a task when run by a computer
  • A code segment is a collection of program statements that is part of a program
  • A program needs to work for a variety of inputs and situations

Personal Takeways

After watching all three videos, I feel that I truly understand why knowing the purpose and function of a program is essential. Knowing exactly what your program is intended to do could allow someone who is reading it to use it in a larger program or even expand upon it. Overall, having knowledge about this big idea will definitely be helpful and I will apply this idea to anything that I do in this class.

Proof of Completon of Quesitons