Our Final Project Idea

We want to make a program in which a user can enter activites that they would like to do for specific days on a calendar.

Our Idea and the Collegeboard Rubric

Here is how we plan for our program to meet each component of the rubric:

Row 1: Program Purpose and Function

The purpose of this program is to allow the user to type in any events or activittes that they would like to do for the day so that the computer can complie that list into a coherent daily agenda. This program is also intended to encourage organization, for it stores the list of activites into a day on the calendar.

Row 2: Data Abstraction

What the user wants to do for the day will all be stored in a dictionary or list, which is what brings the data abstraction aspect into the project.

Row 3: Managing Complexity

Using lists and dictionaries will manage the complexity because this way, there will not be any need to create a variable for every single activity that a user wants to do.

Row 4: Procedural Abstraction

We will make a segment of a program in which the program can separate the activities into certain categories (sports, entertainment, etc.). This way, the output (daily agenda) that the user receives will be coherent and well-organized.

Row 5: Algorithm Implementation

We will be using sequencing, selecting, and iterating in order to make the program compile the daily agenda.

Row 6: Testing

This program will definitely be tested multiple times in order to both ensure it is properly functioning and also to enhance the understanding of our own program.