Week 5 Objectives

  • To play around and experiment with the different types in Java
  • These types include…
    • Primitive Types
      • Int - represents signed 32-bit integer value
      • Double - represents a double-precision 64-bit floating-point value
      • Boolean - represents true or false values
      • Long - represents a signed 64-bit integer value
      • Short - represents a signed 16-bit value
      • Float - represents a single-precision 32-bit floating-point value
      • Char - represents a single Unicode character
    • Non-primitive Types
      • Strings
  • To create a GUI menu for CSA FRQs
  • To decide the topic we will be teaching this tri (our plan is Boolean and If Statements, and if that’s already taken we will teach Writing Classes)

Week 5 Hacks

  • Create/define a class in Java that demonstrates the use of primitive types, such as int, double, and boolean, as well as non primitive data types such as strings
  • Become familiar with reference data types in Java, such as strings, arrays, and classes
  • Become familiar with hybrid data types in Java, such as wrapper classes and enums
  • Include comments that talk about how each data type choice is appropriate to the application
  • Include a cell with casting