
Last night, on Wednesday May 29, 2024, my group and I were at N@TM to show our project to interested people. We ended up getting quite a lot of people to come to our table! This blog explains what we plan to do with our project in the long term as well as detail some of the things that went on in the event and the kinds of projects we checked out.

Blog about our team

Reflection on glows/grows from your demo/presentations

Overall, I had an amazing time at N@TM because it gave me the opportunity to not only enjoy with my group mates but also with some of my friends who also happened to have the same shift as us. It was also fun watching a lot of our interested people try to play the game, as all of them seemed to have fun with watching the AI model project the trends for today. All of our test users seemed to very engaged with our project. The fact that everyone was also super interested in the backend data was quite surprising considering the fact that all those variables and numbers may appear very confusing with how many the model was capturing at once.

That being said, there were also a few areas of improvement in our demos. For example, we definitely could have been more prepared when we were setting up the TV, as even when there were people at our station interested in our project, we were still taking some time to get our screen projected on the TV. I

We took turns on who would explain the game, performance leaderboard, database, etc. and we all as a whole did an amazing job. The image below is of us specifically explaining different features of the game to them as well as what is going on behind the scenes:

We of course had a few techy users who came with some techy questions (all of which we could answer). Most of the users were still there just to be able to play, and even if they had no idea what was going on with our game they all seemed to enjoy it very much.

Blog on event from other classes

I chose to include all of these in my blog because they were the ones that amazed me the most in terms of how realistic and detailed it was. I also was completely unaware that there was a N@TM for the business class, which I had never heard about before.

I have done something similar to all three of these, except rather than doing it by hand I used a software called Blender to model objects. For me, Blender was much easier to work with and I could make all the adjustments I wanted automatically with just a click. With the kind of art that is shown above (from AP Studio Art, Drawing and Painting, and 3D Animation), I would imagine it is much harder to do that and requires a lot more dedication and effort to make the drawing appear as real as it did at last night’s event.

N@tM Reflection

I had a really good time looking at work from not only our class, but also work from other electives such as 3D Animation, Ceramics, and Design and Mixed Media. Regardless of where the projects came from, looking at them made me amazed at how talented our school is and how we have the ability to put out work like this. I was especially interested in the projects from 3D Animation, as I myself have taken the class and remember some of the projects that we had to do. Looking at the work from that class made me think about what I could have done better when I was in that class, which will definitely be helpful if I plan on becoming a 3D artist in the long run. I also enjoyed being able to look at all of these projects with other people, as doing so gave us the opportunity to discuss what we thought about them. Overall, N@tM for Trimester 3 was an amazing experience and I look forward to attending events similar to N@TM to present my projects at similar events.

And to finish it off here’s an awesome team photo (courtesy of Mr. Mortensen):